- True flies are insects from the order Diptera
- This is a large order containing an estimated 1 million species of mosquito, gnat, midget and others
- Only 12% of the order have been described
- There are 120,000 fly species worldwide
- Most flies live for 21 days
- They take on various shapes in their short life span; from larvae to maggot to fly
- These are common flies that are fond of fruit
- As well as being an unwelcome nuisance, they can transmit diseases
- They have a very short life span – only 8 to 10 days
- Female fruit flies lay around 500 eggs
- Eggs are laid close to or on rotting fruit and vegetables
- Are commonly found around the home
- The female can lay 500 eggs in her 15 to 25-day life cycle
- They are 10 million times more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue
- They also feed on organic matter such as rotting carcasses, animal and human waste
- Like the fruit fly, they spread disease
Nuisance scale: 5/10 MODERATE
No one likes flies of any kind buzzing around
Hazard: 10/10 HIGH
Spread disease – keep food covered. Remove the food source
Please call or email one of our technicians. All treatments are tailored to our customers needs.
Fruit Flies
Size: 1/8”
Description: Small and oval, they are tan coloured with 6 legs. They have wings and antennae.
House Flies
Size: ¼”
Description: Small, oval and dark grey in colour. It also has 6 legs, wings and an antenna.
- Flies do not have teeth nor do they sting
- The mouth absorb food like a sponge
- They only eat liquid
- They turn solid food into liquid by spitting or vomiting on it
- Their tongues are straw like to suck up food
- House flies tend to stay within 1 to 2 miles of where they were born
- If food is short, they will travel 20 miles to find food
- They are known to carry over 100 different kinds of diseases